Omnistar Beacon

Decide to Act for the New Year (EP21)



Welcome…You are here at The Beacon…So glad you found us…I am David Darab, your host for this episode.Prepare to have your Blind Spots Illuminated “To begin, begin.” said William Wordsworth.Let’s do that and get started.It’s the New Year, 2021…Happy New Year to You!  We are all excited to see 2020 end, and our hopes are that the countless challenges we faced last year will soon come to an end too!The New Year is a time of reNEWal, time for a fresh start, and a time to reset, recalibrate, and recharge.  It is also a time we are constantly reminded about our New Years Resolutions.  Seems  that we can’t say New Year’s without adding the Resolution part too.   Every year we pass this same threshold with the same hopes and desires for the year ahead.What will you do??…do you have a plan??Will you offer up some recurring laundry list of New Year’s Resolutions like you may have done many times in the past;I’ll go first…- lose weight- workout more- eat better- work less- spend more time with your family- save more- sp