Teachercast Educational Broadcasting Network (full Audio)

LinkedIn: How To Build Your EDU Brand Through Professional Networking?



Are you looking to http://www.buildyouredubrand.com (Build Your EDU Brand)? Of course, you are! You probably engage in Twitter chats, are very active in Facebook groups and spend most of your time pinning and repinning others ... ya know ... pins. But are you missing out on the most popular and active Social Media platform that is designed for professionals such as yourself? I first signed up for http://teachercast.net/linkedin (LinkedIn) in 2011. I added my information, tried to look as professional as possible, and then forgot about it for several years until it was time for me to start a new career search. Suddenly everything on the platform became much more important. Does this sound familiar to you? Today, LinkedIn is not just for people searching for new jobs. It is the epicenter for professional networking, blogging, and yes... video production. But what works for some might not work for you. This is why you need to have an expert on your side to help you navigate through the LinkedIn platfor