Artists Loving Artists

Episode 12 - D.J.'s, EDM...& John Mayer



Welcome back and Happy 2018! This week, my guests are a couple of awesome and quirky dudes, who's love for the world of EDM and DJ's themselves make for a fantastic episode! JP Gibbs & Aaron Liese fell into my life by way of new avenues I've taken and I'm so stoked they were able to share a piece of their world to Artists Loving Artists! We start with one of Aaron's Tops: Judgement Day, head into JP's go-to (presently): Dion Timmer, and gradually reach a mutual ground for the guys' love of both Excision and DeadMau5 and how they influence both fellas in their pursuit of making beats for the sake of making beats. No outcome attached, we delve into why having little expectation for the result of creativity is where success lies, and discuss their experiences of EDM live shows, how they are inspired, and how they got started. The ending segment is a mutual piece on John Mayer we have some fun with and how it all comes back around to the love for the authentic. I hope you all enjoy and thanks so much for co