Artists Loving Artists

Episode 9 - Mashup Discussion with WriterDie Productions!



(Editors Note: The file uploaded is an unedited cut. To skip to the discussion, look for the 15 min. marker ) This week's episode is a fantastic mashup with some great fellas: Chris and Nate are the founders of their all things creative website/podcast & I was honored to be a guest host this week. We decided to follow the flow of the guys' podcast as we start with a "Top of the Moment", discuss this week's Beer of choice (chosen by their weekly guest), and the fellas even let me sing a tune. Eventually we merge into the main discussion of the Episode entitled "High School Hangups" where the 3 of us turn to one another in hopes of understanding each others teenage heroes. We took a week to listen to one album/artist of influence from our adolescence to open our ears and what we found was surprising. Analysis of Rob Zombie (Chris), From Autumn to Ashes (Nate), and the Goo Goo Dolls (myself) you'll hear how we reacted to each of our pioneers and how they opened our perspective. I hope you all