From The Bottom Of The Record Box

Tina-Marie and her liquid vibes from Capetown, South Africa



Welcome to the show this week where we introduce you to Tina-Marie. Her music is low-key, it's funky, smooth, sexy and very cool. We're lucky enough to be able to share this with our listenership around the globe and we hope you enjoy her slick and enticing groove. But it's not all about Tina-Marie in the show, Tobin has a choral delight that is sure to blow off your socks. OK, we get it, you're turned off by the word choral right? Well don't be - this is modern, engaging vocal work by Shards. It's a world away from the dusty halls of any long since forgotten congregation and eschews children with bowl cuts in matching cassocks. It's eerily cold, spacious and at the same time joyous to listen to. From the cool grooves of Tina-Marie we move seamlessly to the dark, Americana, alt country sounds of Brown Bird. Sadly Brown Bird are no more as founder David Lamb passed away in 2014 from leukaemia. However, his wife Morgan Eve Swain carried on the legacy and formed her new band, The Huntress and Holder o