Rich Ideas Radio

"Vibrant Health is Your Right...Coach Your Way to Optimal Health!



In 1987 Alison Heath was run over by a motorcycle. The medical option was to amputate the leg, and her passion for wellness began. Not only did she save her leg, but other unexpected healing benefits occurred with her lifestyle changes. To the amazement of the doctors, for over a decade Alison has been completely free of all medication for the incurable conditions of bipolar disorder and hypothyroidism! Alison devoted much of her career to the health sector including CEO for InfoMedQue Inc., an Internet information service for the health sector in Quebec. As a health journalist, her regular column titled “The Natural Path” was created to provide medical practitioners who read M.D. News magazine another approach toward health and well-being.From personal experience, Alison discovered her joy coaching individuals willing to take responsibility for their health. She guides the psychological shift required to create an optimal life. Watch her videos as Longevity Expert