Rich Ideas Radio

How to be a Conscious Entrepreneur with Violet Kashewa!



Violet Kashewa, is an expert Intuitive Business Advisor. She is a Certified Practitioner of Metaphysics trained in 4-Level Belief Work, with 20 years professional intuitive advising experience who deeply understands human co-creative power. She is a personal and organizational development specialist effectively working within the Company mind-set, in a defined intuitive analysis methodology, focused on driving authenticity to maximize full potential. Truth-telling and taking charge of excellence initiatives is the hallmark of her approach.She is author of the forthcoming book, Your Company's Unseen Dynamics,and show host of Interpretive BIZ..."more interpretations, insights and ideas" for the business community. Her case study pilot, Emerging Expectations in Synthesized Analysis Methodologies, has been created for Fortune 1000 companies to prove the vital role of intuitive company assessment as a key solution to quickly and effectively meet CEO priorities. Certifications:Certified Medical IntuitiveCertified