Franchise Friday

The Human Resources Advantage



This week on Franchise Friday Brendan Major is joined by Susan Strong, an Area Developer in Northern California for The Entrepreneur's Source and Advicoach self-employment and business coaching franchise organizations. Susan has a strong background in corporate human resources, and brings many qualities and skills that she has learned over the years into her current endeavors. Susan will discuss some of those skills, and why they have been helpful in making her Entrepreneur's Source and AdviCoach franchises so successful. She'll also talk about the difference between consulting and coaching, and why it's important to know the difference between the two.About Our GuestSusan is an Area Developer in Northern California for The Entrepreneur's Source and Advicoach self-employment and business coaching franchise organizations.  Prior to becoming a franchisee almost 5 years ago, Susan worked for 20+ years with Fortune 500, Growth and Start-Up companies as a Senior Human Resources professional, coaching executives in