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Relationship DUOvers



Have you ever had a fleeting thought of a relationship from the past and instantly wished you had a time capsule to whisk you back? What if you had one more chance to change the circumstances, a do-over so to speak, or as we like to call them DUOvers?Unfortunately, time capsules only exist in science fiction movies. The great news is you can choose a different course of action the next time around. Learn from The Matchmaking DUO's experiences to get it right the first time, or make your DUOver you last.Fisher Gilmore Matchmaking (FGM.) is an exclusive agency of "heart hunters" led by The Matchmaking DUO. Kelli Fisher and Tana Gilmore, Certified Relationship Coaches and Certified Matchmakers. Headquartered in Charlotte North Carolina. FGM provides coaching and matchmkaing services designed to accommodate the busy, successful professionals across the country who are seeing long-term love. The DUO has been featured on NY Post, Essence, NBC and Charlotte Today Show to name a few. As Relationship Experts, the DUO