Plain English Accountant

Elevate Your Leadership Brand



3 Things You Must Master to Increase Your Impact, Influence & Income.When it comes to success, nothing trumps the influential power of a well-branded woman leader!Felicia is an award-winning, executive coach and author of The Leadership Mastery Formula.  As founder and CEO of Leadership Mastery for Women, Felicia WRITES, SPEAKS & TEACHES about the influential power of leadership branding. She is known for her ability to help high-achieving women who struggle with being seen, heard and respected cultivate their leadership and communication skills.Harnessing more than 20 years as a leader in Human Resources, her approach to developing other leaders is rooted in her commitment to helping women differentiate themselves and be compensated for the value they bring. This translates their leadership into a scalable brand that gets them recognized, respected and rewarded for their results.