Reach Or Miss

Ep. 199 – The 5 recommended tools for entrepreneurs that will help you win in business



On my weekly podcast, I ask my interviewees about the digital or technological tools that they recommend using. However, I tell them that I’m not looking for the shiniest tool in the endless list of them. I’m looking for the tool that they use most and that helps them succeed. Five tools help me as an entrepreneur who has worked with thousands of entrepreneurs on their marketing success. My first tool is Canva. Canva is also one of the tools that Guy Kawasaki recommended in his interview. Canva helps me get much more traction with attractive, powerful visuals. With a huge free photo stock, and very easy and intuitive design options, Canva is here to stay.   My second recommended tool is LinkedIn. You probably want to tell me “LinkedIn is a social media platform, not a tool.” That’s right, LinkedIn is defined as a social media platform. However, for me and many of the successful entrepreneurs I interview on my show, LinkedIn is a tool that we use daily to find and engage with potential customers, close de