Reach Or Miss

Ep. 194 – Matt Barnett developed his company from sales hack to side hustle to global business in 18 months, and now has a team across 5 continents.



A British designer by trade, Bonjoro is Matts second company, founded out of Sydney Australia. What started as a sales hack for an Agency he was running, Bonjoro went from hack to side hustle to global business in 18 months, and now has team across 5 continents. Matts love of building great products is only surpassed by that of building great culture, and his goal is to be the next Zappos, to be most loved brand in the world. When not heads down in product, Matt spends his time rescuing wildlife, teaching his daughter about beekeeping and running one of Sydney’s largest tech founder networks.   Most passionate about I love building great products. The second thing I love most is people. I'm very much an extrovert. So, I love the idea of building great products and then using them to help people connect with other people better. Matt’s career and story I’m from the UK originally, and I came to Australia eleven years ago. I was originally an industrial designer. I earned an MBA and fell into running an age