Reach Or Miss

Ep. 193 – Kristin Zhivago: “It isn’t how we sell to our customers that matters. It’s about how they buy. Our job is to make it easy for them to buy from us.”



Kristin Zhivago is the president of Zhivago Partners, a digital marketing management company. She and her team build lead-generation campaigns for small and mid-sized companies, including websites, SEO, online advertising, social media, and video. Zhivago has built a solid team of professionals in the various digital channels; writers, designers, and developers; project managers, and client success managers. She is an expert on the customer’s buying process and the author of Roadmap to Revenue: How to Sell the Way Your Customers Want to Buy.   Most passionate about I started a digital marketing management company in 2017. I was a revenue coach, mostly for tech companies. Basically, I helped people grow their companies, work better with customers, and do a better job of selling and marketing their products. Before that, my husband and I had an agency in Silicon Valley back in the early days. We helped introduce pretty much everything that we use today; The semi-connectors, computers, email, voice mai