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Ep. 187 – Kimberly Maska – From Wall Street to helping spiritual entrepreneur to become success-ful spiritual coaches and help shift this planet.



Kimberly uses her business and marketing expertise to show spiritual coaches how to create financial success while shifting consciousness on this planet. She brings nearly 20 years of business development experience to the table, including 8 years on Wall Street. Five of those Wall Street years were as a managing partner at a broker dealer, valued at $165m, that she founded with 8 colleagues. With recognized efforts in changing people’s lives, Kimberly Maska is gifted with the ability to intuitively see a client's business and craft a strategy for success.   Most passionate about My big passion right now is the spiritual coaching certification program that I created. It is about really understanding how to approach your clients. My clients are what I call “spiritual entrepreneurs.” Really, they’re anyone who wants to help shift consciousness on the planet, who wants to help people awaken, take that red pill, and get through it. I show them how to coach and how to use the spiritual laws and spiritual rule