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Ep. 150 – Dane Maxwell built $2 million companies by starting 16 businesses, and failing with 11



He almost didn't think there was a place for him to belong anywhere, but business saved his life and gave him a sense of purpose and significance. That kind of belonging gave him endless fuel because he had never felt it before. He started 16 business and failed a lot, 11 times. Each time he learned, figured out what worked and what didn't and has started 5 successful profitable businesses. He has gone on to create over 15 millionaires with his teachings. He specializes in helping underdogs start successful businesses. Dane also has a passion for singing and he is the author of the upcoming book Start From Zero. Most passionate about I’m extremely passionate about loving my customers. I’m always passionate about demonstratively and deeply listening and really striving to care and love the customers I’m working with, in all my businesses. It’s extremely profitable. Listen to your customers in terms of the intention that you can hold people when you listen so deeply to them so you know their inner workings and