Reach Or Miss

Ep. 126 – Ilan Missulawin: “ unless we have a million customers, I’m not happy!”



Ilan Missulawin Show notes Ilan Missulawin is the co-founder of ClickCease, the leading click fraud protection software used by thousands of advertisers. His background in marketing is diverse, from marketing campaigns for global retail companies to startup marketing. He lives in Tel Aviv with his wife and two children. Most passionate about  I’m a co-founder of ClickCease, which provides protection from click fraud to advertisers that use Google search. At least 20% of the clicks that a Google advertiser gets will not convert. In the beginning, I was on the phone all day, speaking to companies that were already aware of, and concerned about, click fraud. Then we started to advertise, especially through Google search, attracting these people to our site. The breakthrough happened about a year after the launch, when we started to use chat software called Intercom. It supported people whom we brought to the website, answering their questions and helping to convert them into sales. The next stage was t