Reach Or Miss

Ep. 125 – Entrepreneurs can and should become a leading influencer in their field



What can any entrepreneur learn from influencer entrepreneurs like Jeff Bullas, Kevin L. Jackson, and Josh Steimle?   How to become the influencer of your new market? I was standing in Lipton’s testing room in Bristol with the Global Marketing Director, in 1996, learning one of the most important lessons in marketing. From my 32 years in marketing, I know that the best and easiest way to succeed in launching a new product and building a successful brand is by leading your market category. The idea is taking ownership of a market category in the minds of the customers. One of the four basic market strategy definitions is ‘what market category should we play in’. If you can’t lead the market, you should invent a new market category. The most famous example of that is probably the story about Miller Beer. Miller wanted to grow and lead the US market. However the beer market was totally saturated. And any farmer who grew barley could quite easily build a brewery in his farm and start selling beer. Mill