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Ep. 124 – The level of success you achieve and how quickly it will happen depend on how you started your entrepreneurship



The best advice from Dr. Kevin Gazzara, Dhariana Lozano, Roy Sutton and Deepak Shukla can help your business succeed more quickly and substantially. Entrepreneurship starts in different ways. However, there is something special about those who saw an opportunity and decided to focus on a new direction. Their journey to success is different from the journeys of those to whom entrepreneurship simply ‘happened’ and totally different from startups that raised money to develop an entrepreneurial enterprise from an idea. In  today’s episode, I share with you the best advice from these entrepreneurs. I believe that no matter how you became an entrepreneur, the perspectives of Dr. Kevin Gazzara, Dhariana Lozano, Roy Sutton and Deepak Shukla can provide a new perspective on taking your business to higher levels.   Before he left his 18-year career at Intel, Dr. Kevin Gazzara’s research discovered 5 things any entrepreneur needs to become successful. Dr. Kevin Gazzara