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Ep. 122 – Smita Nair Jain “one should never give up no matter how impossible to climb-on their mountain seems to be.”



Smita Nair Jain Show Notes Smita Nair Jain is currently the Senior Divisional Vice President at Sears Holdings India Pvt. Ltd  – an offshore division of the 141 year old American retail giant Sears Holdings Corporation. Before joining Sears, she was Chief Operating Officer at Barclays in India. Prior to this, she has been at global executive leadership roles with leading multinational organizations such as Capita, MphasiS, Prudential and Accenture Amongst her many interests, the most prominent one is around Inclusion and Diversity and she works with multiple self help groups and organizations towards bettering the gender ratio across levels in corporates and other related issues such as eual pay .She is also passionate about developing the youth of this country and is a mentor to multiple start-ups and is a key speaker at many start up events. She is a popular speaker in campus circuits and has been invited to speak at various IITs, IIMs, NITIE and TEDx events. She was also awarded the Linkedin Power