Reach Or Miss

Ep. 121 – Kate Sheehan’s best advice to entrepreneurs: “You can’t compromise your reputation! If you come across as being honest and being ethical, then people will approach you.”



Kate Sheehan Show Notes Kate Sheehan a Director of The OT Service and Occupational Thera-pist specializing in environmental design and equipment provision. She is well respected as a leader in the field of product and commercial consultancy and is passionate that products are designed to meet function, enable occupation, are simple and intuitive to use. Most passionate about I’m an Occupational Therapist, but I’m not a typical OT. I worked in emerging markets. Back in 2004, I was quite frustrated by the equipment market for people with disabilities, because it was quite institutional and functional but not very aesthetic. At some point, I was asked to help as a consultant for commercial project aesthetics in hotels inaccessible toilets. And that brought me to the commercial sector looking at how we can influence design and change from a product development aspect but also how we can use the occupational therapy skills to enable companies to target people and how OTs can be the bridge between the product p