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Ep. 099 – Eyal Feder Levy is a first time entrepreneur that managed to build a successful startup, from the 1st stage. Learn how.



Eyal Feder Levy Show Notes Eyal Feder-Levy – CEO and Co-Founder An urban planner and smart city geek, Eyal has worked with numerous cities to implement advanced technology and methodologies. In Zencity, he helps local governments around the world make better decisions daily by analyzing millions of citizen feedback data points using advanced AI. Before founding Zencity, Eyal was part of the founding team of “City Center,” Tel Aviv University’s Interdisciplinary Center for Cities and Urbanism, where he led several Smart City programs. Apart from Zencity and academic work, Eyal is part of World Economic Forum’s Future of Cities advisory board, a member of the US Conference of Mayors Business Council, and the youngest board member of the Israeli Urban Planners’ Association. Most passionate about The whole purpose of what we’re doing at Zencity is to help these weird organizations called local governments make better decisions. These organizations have such a huge impact on our lives, they man