Don't Be Stuck

Monday, do I really need all those courses?



Today we ask the question, "What is keeping me timid from truly putting yourself out there?" I would be willing to bet that it is because you don't feel qualified, because you always had someone else or something else or some other organization in your life telling you whether you were qualified or not. And that's not necessary to run your own business.  You have to decide that you are qualified in and of yourself by yourself because you exist because you have experienced because you have skills and because you have value to give to the world. You have to decide that and until you decide that you won't sell a thing. But I will tell you that women around the world are doing it. And it's amazing what they're creating.  There's going to be a huge impact on the economy because of women who are willing to use experience skill and wisdom to build businesses and sell offers from home, as mothers, as homemakers, as people who didn't want to work for the man, and rely on a piece of paper to tell us that we'