Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Christine Day on What’s Happening and What’s Coming: A Pleiadian Message



"Pleiadian Ambassador" Christine Day Sheds Light on the Shadow of 2020 and What's to Come. Christine Day known as the Pleiadian Ambassador shares her insights from the Pleiadians about what’s coming up for us (both individually and collectively) on December 21, 2020 and beyond. According to the Pleiadians, we are about to be birthed into a new world the likes of which no one has ever seen before. Each of us has a unique opportunity to expand our awareness (including our psychic capacity) through our heart center -  the area which she says is that link to the multidimensional awareness and self. And with what is about to happen beginning on December 21, we will soon see that we are moving swiftly into a new energetic frequency that no one will be able to ignore...not this time! Christine also shares from the Pleiadians the significance, from an energetic perspective, what 2020 has been all about - It’s significance and it’s framework that has been readying us for a new world that although looks challengin