Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Trish MacGregor – Ascension Fatigue or Symptoms of a Planetary Empath



Ascension fatigue may just be something more permanent: Are you a planetary empath? https://youtu.be/Thci3iyVWOk Ascension FATIGUE - Are you a “Planetary Empath?” Exploring Symptoms AND Synchronicity During These WONKY Times! Whether you call it ascension symptoms, empathic stress or just plain stress during these incredibly different days, many people are reporting symptoms including: - burning, watering eyes - ringing in one or both ears - nausea, spatial disorientation depression left ear “popping” vertigo unusual nightmares …and much more. Are these what many in the New Age have referred to as ascension symptoms or ascension fatigue or might some of us be tethered to the planet in a way that has yet to be fully understood? Sure, 2020 has brought on a whole layer of angst, anxiety and unfamiliarity, but are these directly due to what’s in our midst on the 3D or are you a planetary empath - an individual who is connecting to the planet’s energy shifts that at present seem to be occurring at wa