Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Pandemic! A Higher Journeys SPECIAL REPORT



"All is not as you are led to believe." - A channeled message about our current "crisis." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzUQ2O5FNQo “All is not as your are led to believe.” - This was part of an on-the-spot message about the now officially declared pandemic that has swept the planet, as was channeled by UK based Fay Vale. This unintended dialogue that ran about 15 minutes has to do with two perspectives on the CV situation - one from a “ground zero” level over in the UK, and one from a metaphysical perspective. Fay Vale is an individual who “channels” messages from the beings we call non human intelligence or “ET.” She does this via two mediums: drawing or art of the beings she’s dealing with and via the written word (or automatic writing). I asked Fay (on the spot) to see what she could bring through as far as the implications are concerned as it directly relates to this “pandemic.” What is this REALLY all about? Fay obliged my request, but she was a bit shaken at what initially came through (as you will