Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Christine Day – Pleiadian Messages and What Happened on January 12, 2020!



What moved Pleiadian "Ambassador" Christine Day to tears? Did she WITNESS the BIG Shift? https://youtu.be/7vAiPc51h0E   We think of events whether small or large as snapshots in time. Something happens and then it’s gone. Christine Day, known to many around the world as the Pleiadian Ambassador, says that what happened on January 12th of 2020 was BIG! (My recent interview with PMH Atwater also addresses this big shift and she agrees). But what happened? On that day, particularly at Uluru in the central part of Australia, a cosmic gate or dimensional doorway was cracked open, the likes of which it’s been said has not occurred in THOUSANDS of years. And its effects will last for many years to come. But what happened, and moreover, what does this mean for all of us? Have we entered that doorway? How will our lives change as a result of it? How will the world change, if at all? Christine shares some intimate and powerful insights as to the new energies that have descended upon us as w