Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Are Alien Encounters a Mass Phenomenon?



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAMUaRKGGMU Picture this: You're invited to your friend's son's birthday party. As is often the case, the party features a performing clown as entertainment for the kids. You walk in, see the clown, your heart begins to race and you then make a B-line out the door! The fear of clowns are among one of the top (and increasing every day) phobias or fears among both children and adults. But where does this fear come from? Like clowns, Santa Claus and even "big eyed" owls also count as somewhat common a fear among the human population. In my initial interview with ET contact researcher Mary Rodwell, we discussed how these otherwise "silly" quirks of the personality may in fact be something far deeper and more complex than we know. Might this point to the possibility of some form of alien encounter? This is just one of many clues that point to possible ET contact and with far more people on the planet than we might suspect. I'll be presenting a very detailed lecture on the sub