Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

What is “Retro” Synchronicity and Have You Had One?



Synchronicity is a language that Universe speaks and it's rules are literally out of time as we know it! In this episode of Conscious Commentary, we examine synchronicity from a "retro" perspective. While many instances of synchronicity - when two or more seemingly disparate events come together to send a message - typically happen in close proximity to one another, other, even more powerful "syncs" can happen days, weeks, or even years apart. Additionally, if one is keen to take notice of the multitude of subtle nuances that happen in their day-to-day lives, one can and often will discover that one synchronicity can be enfolded in another. Such was the case with me during a period over the last couple of months that PMH Atwater has described as an unprecedented Retrograde Storm! Find out just what happened to me and how I was able to link one synchronicity with another over a period of time! Get this episode on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1vVJdQuWyU Alexis Brooks is the founder and editor o