Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Sharon Millstein – 2017 Numerology Forecast



What can a numerology forecast tell us about what's in store for 2017? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_fpK0CPO40 At the beginning of every new year, we all tend to have this desire for a fresh start, we commit to resolutions, and look forward to new beginnings. But could this coming year, 2017 really represent the beginning of a whole new cycle, individually and planetary. Celebrated numerologist Sharon Millstein certainly says so, particularly as she sees it according to the numbers. 2017 represents what is referred to as the “ONE YEAR,” A crucial marker in a cycle that is said to set the pace for the coming nine years. Listen to what Sharon had to impart about what THIS particular 1 year has in store for us all. Here's a basic numerology "definition" of the one year as referenced at sunsigns.org: Number One year is both a conventional and an original year. This number is indicative of fresh beginnings and explorations in the journey of life. People with personal year number one will in all probability