Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

Are You Living the Dream? But Whose Dream is it?



Are you striving to fulfill a template dream without realizing it? Let's talk about living the dream... Many a well intentioned motivational speaker will tell you in some form or fashion to “Think big. Never give up on pursuing your dreams.” And you, being the self-motivated go-getter that you are says, “Yes, I can do it. If he/she can do it, I sure can!” But therein may lie the problem - If they can do it, so can you. In a society that places undue pressure on the masses to look like this, be like this, act like this vs. creating your own unique sweet spot, more and more people are acquiring real estate in a collective dream rather than creating a vision hand-crafted by the individual. I recently did a quick inquiry into the connection between socio-economic factors and suicidal tendencies to see if any data showed a significant connection between the two. Not surprised, it didn’t take long at all to get a composite of the state of affairs. No doubt there is more than just a cursory connection. In a 2012