Life Uncloseted With Rick Clemons

443: Kicking It With Struggle Guru – Kirsten Beverly Waters



Life doesn't have to be a struggle, but it can be if you decide, "Life is just a constant struggle!" However, if you leverage the low moments of life and make them your friend, then the struggles become the powerful lessons that get you where you want to go and desire, regardless of whether that is coming out of the closet, getting fit, of finding your just right path life. Kirsten Beverley-Waters takes us on a journey of going into the arena with struggling and how she uses it to guide her next best steps for success in all aspects of her life. ()About KirstenKirsten Beverley-Waters is a Yoga Medicine teacher, fitness coach, author, and motivational speaker.  Through her unique approach to teaching movement, Kirsten has built a reputation for helping others to find their sacred body and soul connection.  When it comes to definin