Life Uncloseted With Rick Clemons

431: How to not let a worldwide pandemic limit you! – Laura Gassner Otting



COVID19 came in with a roar and an intent to get us all to pause and reset. Many of us lost hope, sheltered not only in place but crawled into despair. Then, with a swift kick in the pants, many of us also said, "This is not how I am meant to show up in the world!" My friend Laura showed up again, to bring her Limitless insights on how we can leverage this pandemic to restart and find a new way to show up in the world. She's now got a companion course for her book - (Limitless) and a Facebook Group - where you can discover for yourself, the power of being Limitless even when the world is spinning out of control. About LauraLaura Gassner Otting helps people get “unstuck” — and achieve extraordinary results. Through Limitless Possibility, Laura collaborates with change agents, entrepreneurs, investors, leaders, and donors to push past the doubt and indecision that consign great ideas to limbo. She delivers strategic thinking, well-honed wisdom, and ca