Life Uncloseted With Rick Clemons

418: Love making advice from yo’ Momma – Natasha Ria El-Scari



Men, boys, man boys - whatever you want to call the male species, seem to get their love and love making advice from tight lipped men, or loose lipped boys in the locker room. Neither usually serve them well and make them better men when it comes to love and love making. So let the tides shift, and invite the mother energy in to do the job of teaching men about love and love making. Natasha Ria El-Scari is coming out of the closet to say, "Let Mama do the job!" Yup, she's grabbing her son, and other men by whatever appendage makes sense, sitting them down to teach them about the fine art of love and love making. Here to share her new book - Mama Sutra: Love and Lovemaking Advice to My Son - and to take us all to the church of love, sex, and love making, Natasha is not going to let what she feels needs to be taught on deaf ears. Buckle up folks, this one is full of straight-forward, no bullshit, closet busting truths. About NatashaNatasha Ria El-Scari is a poet, performer, writer, Cave Canem fellow, 2016 Ragda