Life Uncloseted With Rick Clemons

410: Coming out of the awkwardness closet – Vanessa VanEdwards



Now that was awkward. Or was it just your own self-imposed closet of feeling awkward? Too often that awkwardness is what keeps us in our closets. No one else will understand. I feel so weird talking about this. Other people will think I’m weird. All of these are just excuses for not realizing, we are all awkward in our own way, and way more alike than different. Vanessa Van Edwards, a recovering awkward person, tells it like it is with candid, value loaded conversation about coming out of our closets, especially the closet of being awkward. Calling upon her expertise as the lead investigator at Science of People and from her bestselling book Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People, she goes raw and uncloseted with insights about how to come out of your own awkward closets, whatever those might be in your life. About Vanessa Vanessa is Lead Investigator at Science of People. She is the bestselling author of Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People. Her book has been translated into 15