Life Uncloseted With Rick Clemons

407: Out of the Closet & Back In – Alex Petrarca



Love happens. Or maybe we should say, attraction happens, even if it isn’t deep love. For some, that means the come out of the closet, then go back in. I know, I was one of those. For others, they believe they are gay, but based on family and societal pressure, religious beliefs, a distrust of oneself, or just downright confusion, some people give the heterosexual life a shot, only to find that, “Yep, this isn’t for me, and I am truly gay!” Such is the story of today’s guest. Alex Petrarca. She came out, went back in, then came out again. It’s much more common than you think and it is multi-generational, even in today’s more accepting society! This is her coming out story. About Alex Alex Petrarca is a filmmaker, podcast booking agent, and owner of After School Productions LLC. She has a BA in Film Studies from Rhode Island College and uses her video production savvy and compulsion to document everything in order to create episodes of Alex’s Vlog, a weekly Youtube se