Life Uncloseted With Rick Clemons

Coming Out Without Coming Unglued – Part 3: Let’s Talk About Sex



It can be scary saying I’m LGBTQ. Why? For many reasons, but one of the biggest is because everyone, including yourself, might just think you’re that way because it is all about SEX. Well, we’re talking about SEX and why it’s not just about SEX, and how to handle those thoughts, and accusations to be a solid, healthy individual as you begin to explore the sex of your sexuality and gender identity. The more you know the better you will be in navigating the interesting twists and turn of discovering you and your desires in your sexuality, and don’t you let anyone tell you what you should or shouldn’t like about sex in your AWESOME self. About Rick Rick’s a culture disruptor (shakes up the status quo), closet buster (shatters silly beliefs), and a bold move expert (like Superman without the muscles and cape). His superpower is guiding closet dwellers – which is every human – to break free of fear, make bold moves, and live life without apology. Everything Rick’s discovered about living life his way, he learne