Reynolda Church: Audio Podcast




The Exodus 2-3 narrative is a lesson in mindfulness. Yahweh heard the cry of His people. He remembered His covenant. He saw their suffering. God knew. God is mindful of our estate. He hears. He remembers. He sees. He knows. In order to get Moses’ attention, the Creator spoke from a burning bush – a visual aid designed to make Moses mindful of God’s presence. But the fugitive prince was preoccupied with worry for the future. In order to build Moses’ confidence, the Lord brought the future leader of God’s people into the moment with a miracle that employed the shepherd’s staff. The basis for Moses’ faith was not off in the distance, it was as close as the staff in his hand. There was no other, exotic or distant place that Moses needed to travel in order to become convinced of God’s power. God was with Him in Midian. There was no rare tool that he needed; a common shepherd’s staff was enough. God can use whatever is in hand. Here is an invitation to look and see what God has already put in each of our hands.