Reynolda Church: Audio Podcast

How Unsuspecting Teenagers Brought the Goods News



The little town of Bethlehem was just six miles away, directly south of the city of Jerusalem and was home to one of the world’s oldest professions. Yes, it was home to a group of shepherds. It was here that the angels experienced something very unique. You see, nobody saw angels. There hadn't been any account of anybody seeing an angel in 500 years. And, all of sudden they are everywhere: Gabriel appears to Zachariah, then Mary, and now in a field full of teenagers while their flock by night. These dirty teenagers get a message from God for just the right season and for just the right people, and it changes everything. It is the goodness of the Gospel that calms our fears. Fear cannot survive in the light of the good news of great joy. How is it that we no longer a slave to fear – it is the goodness of the Gospel that calms our fears, a goodness that has left a blood-stained trail through human history.