Reynolda Church: Audio Podcast

New Year's Blessings



In years past, the Lord heard the cry of His people in their Egyptian bondage. He delivered them from a tyrannical Pharaoh by opening a sea that gave safe passage to the Hebrews and swallowed up the evil Egyptian army. He is a God who can make a way where there seems to be no way! In Isaiah 43, we hear God’s promise to deliver His people again – this time, it will be from Babylonian captivity. He won’t deliver them by parting a sea, but by making “a way in the wilderness”. He is the God who can make rivers run in the wilderness and flowers bloom in the desert! The exiled Hebrews were like most people of modernity – their minds were either preoccupied with the past and how things used to be or with the future and how things might one day be. The season of Hebrew slavery in Egypt was tragic and painful. The miracle of the Red Sea was victorious and exhilarating. But all that’s over: “remember not the former things.” And the future? God will take care of it – He can bring us out of any wilderness. What matters