Foundation Church

The path of the Lord can be difficult, but never impossible



We find the early church facing a major dispute, but with guidance from the apostles, they are back on track and rejoicing the many accomplishments they have achieved. They are spreading this good news out to the other churches. Then two brothers in Christ, Barnabas, and Paul face their own dispute that leads to them parting ways. But what seemed like a defeat for the church the Lord used to continue to accomplish his mission even though these disputes. Discipleship Questions: 1. Have you ever entered into a disagreement knowing you had a bias towards a particular answer? Have you entered into a disagreement without knowing you had a bias and the Lord showed you afterward that you did have a bias? 2. Have you ever disagreed with someone that ended on bad terms? Did the Lord teach you something in that situation? If so, What was the lesson? 3. Are you facing a trial or disagreement now that is challenging? Are you trusting in the Lord? 4. What does trusting in the Lord look like for you?