Foundation Church

The Gospel Is Worth It



The Christian life is not an easy life. With the cost of following Jesus, comes a lot of difficulties, trials, and suffering. But, because God is faithful, he gives us the grace to endure anything that comes our way- be it difficulties, suffering, and even death. Discipleship Questions: 1. Have you had a time where following Jesus really cost you something? Be it a relationship, a career, wealth, health, etc. Share what you learned in that. 2. In the city of Lystra, Paul and Barnabas experienced the temptation to give in to the praise and worship of other people. How have you experienced this temptation in your own life? 3. Tim Keller has described the spiritual life as having two great tests: the test of success and the test of suffering. Both of these tests reveal our heart's idols. Which of these tests seems to draw you closer to Jesus? Which of these tests seems to draw you away from worshipping Jesus? 4. When Paul and Barnabas reconvene with the church in Antioch to share about what God has done wi