Foundation Church

The Story of the Lord is Astonishing!



We see that the beginning of Acts Chapter 13 is the first church sanctioned missionary trip with the sending of Saul and Barnabus to Cyprus. As with the example of Jesus starting his ministry; Saul's missionary trip is met with opposition from the enemy. Saul faces this opposition directly and God shows himself through his divine powers. Discipleship Questions: 1. How is your prayer life? How do you worship the Lord? 2. Have you been involved with a mission's trip? Where, when, and how did it impact your life? 3. Have you encountered someone that directly opposed your Christian belief? How did you handle it? 4. Give an example of a time when you were angry, but showed grace to that person? 5. Do you really believe that the teaching of the Lord is astonishing/amazing? Why? 6. Do you feel that you are too familiar with the story of the gospel? How do you overcome that?