Foundation Church

Radical Kingdom Expansion



Luke, in Acts 8, recounts the story of God’s Kingdom expanding beyond the walls of Jerusalem. In a most unlikely story, in the middle of intense persecution, the Christians in Jerusalem were scattered to the regions of Judea and Samaria. The very regions Jesus said they would be His witnesses! In the power of the Holy Spirit, Philip and the others preached the Good News of Jesus Christ. And even the hated Samaritans would believe. God worked radically to reconcile two groups of people who were far apart but united in Christ. God’s Radical Kingdom Expansion was underway! Discipleship Questions: 1. Why do you think God often uses difficulty, even persecution to accomplish His purposes? 2. What was so radical about Philip preaching the Good News of Jesus and His Kingdom to the Samaritans? 3. How does the explanation for why there was a delay in the receiving of the Holy Spirit sit with you? From your understanding of the text, what would you add? What question do you have? 3. What strikes you about God’s po