Foundation Church

Faithfulness and Steadfastness



God has called us to be faithful, but what does that mean? Are we to simply hoard what he has given us or are we to invest it? And if we invest it who guarantees the return on our investment? Foundation Church want’s to be a Faithful and Steadfast church, listen and be challenged by God’s call to Christians to invest in the church. Discipleship Questions: In the parable of the ten mina’s (Luke 19:11-27), why do you think that the master is referred to as a ‘severe man’? Paul’s exhortation in 1 Cor 15:57-58 to steadfastness is followed by a promise, what is that promise and how does it encourage you? When has God broken through in your life and blessed you for being faithful? Do you trust God with your investments of time, gifts and money? Are you currently being faithful in investing your time, gifts and money in Jesus mission through his church?