Extreme Productivity With Kevin Kruse

How Briana Scurry and Other Olympians Win The Day



Today we’re going to talk about how Briana Scurry and other Olympians win the day and how to focus on your MIT. What you’re going to learn: The MIT Principle (What you should be focused on and how to get it done) What Briana Scurry and other Olympians do to win the day How to break down your yearly goal into daily MITs Key Quotes: “About six months before an Olympics, I would relate all the decisions I made to the ultimate vision of winning gold. The simple question I would ask several times a day was, ‘Will this activity help me perform better and therefore help us win gold?’” – Briana Scurry “I always start with the most important thing on my priority list. If you didn’t spend your week working on the most important thing, it was a week wasted.” – Randy Gage “I work more on time alignment. Is this part of my mission?.” – Chris Brogan “If you chase two rabbits, you will catch neither one.” –Russian proverb “To do two things at once is to do neither.” –Publius S