Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

169. Rhonda Britten: The Path To Fearless Living Revisited



“Fear is at the crux of everything. If you do not know how to master fear, then fear is always going to trick you. That’s because fear is smarter than you and more educated than you.” The whole world has shifted over the past year. Situations and circumstances have created a whole lot of unexpected change, which in turn has sparked fear. Fear is an automatic response that keeps us safe. But unchecked and untamed fear will keep you small and hold you back from living an extraordinary life. Fortunately, there are powerful techniques and approaches you can master, which can help you manage your fears - so you can live fearlessly. This episode with Rhonda Britten first aired in 2018. In it, Rhonda shares so much gold about how to navigate fear that I wanted to publish it again.    Rhonda Britten is a master life coach, the creator of the Fearless Living Institute, an Emmy-Award winner, and a two-time Oprah guest who’s dedicated her life to teaching people how to master fear.&nbs