
Intro to season 2 | Season 2 Episode 0 | Jonny McCormick



Lyra McKee - GoFundMe legacy fundraiser Wow…it’s been a while. I’m finally ready to start launching season 2 episodes and I’m really excited to share them with you. We’ll launch season 2 on 27th June which is exactly one year after our first official episode aired, with Mel Wiggins in the guest seat. And, in fact we’re going to launch with two episodes - double the goodness - the first two episodes feature Sara Tasker who started the incredibly popular instagram account meandorla and the podcast hashtag authentic and Daniel Giacopelli the Editor of Courier Magazine which explores the world of modern business and startups. They’re such great conversations and I can’t wait for you to listen to them. I had originally intended to release season 2 much earlier but life just kind of got in the way. As some of you will know I’ve had some quite big personal news…Cassie, my wife, and I have had our first child and we’re totally in love with her. She’s turned our lives upside down and inside out in the most special wa