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Ep. 206 – David Jay best advice – When I was 16 my dad told me: “David, if you do your business about helping people, you always have plenty of work.”



David is the founder and CEO of Warm Welcome and was recently named a Top 100 Tech Innovator and Influencer. In today’s market most businesses struggle to stand out in crowded markets. Warm Welcome helps businesses upgrade from boring text to personal video so they can build meaningful relationships that drive real revenue. David has bootstrapped several startups into multi-million ARR. Revenues from Warm Welcome, along with his other four companies, exceed $6 million in 2020. Over the previous years the pursuit of efficiency and automation has created a lonely world that is actually disconnected from what we need the most – people!   Most passionate about First is my family; we just moved to Florida, and I have two young boys, two and four. So that's an exciting, exciting time of life. My business babies and the startup guide; I have a few tech startups, and we're working on selling one of those and working on building one of those. The newest one is called Warm Welcome. it's a way to personal