Two Dates And A Dash Podcast

Two Dates and a Dash Podcast Episode 101: Brian Quinn, Lead Guitarist for the band Candlebox



As the lead guitarist for multi-platinum rock band Candlebox, Brian Quinn has traveled the world performing in front of crowds as large as 90,000 at a time and sharing the stage with some of most iconic legends in the industry. But to this life-long musician, he’s just as happy performing to an audience of 100 as 100,000. Because for him, it’s all about the music. It always has.  Drawn to the guitar at a very early age, he first picked up the guitar at the young age of five and was playing sold-out shows by the age of 15 with his hardcore band Burial Ground((1990-1996). He, then, spent six years performing in the hardcore circuit with what was considered one of the most influential acts of that time, inadvertently being credited with “inventing” the sub-genre of hardcore music described today as “Bloodcore”. Burial Ground released an independent album that received rave reviews from fans and critics alike. But, by 17 larger things were calling and Quinn headed to Philadelphia in search of something more.Soon