Win Today With Christopher Cook: Your Roadmap To Wholeness

233: The Cost of Holding Back in Life, Faking Positivity, and The Hidden Power of Writing Things Down (feat. Ally Fallon)



You'll only make progress in life to the extent you have discipline in a specific area of life. What that means for all of us is that there are potentially undisciplined areas of our lives that are holding us back. And the scary part is that we might not be aware that we are holding ourselves back from making progress in life. Well, today, author Ally Fallon joins the conversation with you and me, and together, we're going to learn how the simple, yet layered practice of writing things down will produce huge gains for us in the short-term and in the long-term. If you enjoyed this episode with Ally, I'm sure you'll also enjoy: 227: Flipping the Script of Your Life, Healing Burnout, and How to Win the Day (feat. Mark Batterson) 232: Dr. Caroline Leaf on Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess Episode Links: Ally's Website | Instagram | Buy a copy of the book on Amazon! Subscribe to #WinTodayShow on YouTube. Join the conversation wherever hashtags are welcome using #WinTodayShow.